(azelkhe gute verter fun mayne naye fraynd)
This Bubbie reminds me of mine, I love this doll that makes me LOL
"To never forget Yiddish that I learned as a young child to know what my relatives were saying."
- Barbara S. – Reviewed on Amazon
It was a big hit!
"Got it for my own modern “Yiddishe momma” and she loves it!"
- Ronnie712 – Reviewed on Bed Bath & Beyond
Yiddish Bubbe Oye
"Love this Bubbe. She reminds me of my grandma!"
- gayleg247 – Reviewed on Bed Bath & Beyond
Love it!
"This is really cute and reminds me of my real grandmother with a combination of sweetness and zingers."
- BBB Customer – Reviewed on Bed Bath & Beyond
Unique and Tasteful
"This "bubby" (grandma) has a large Yinglish vocabulary and isn't afraid to use it! But whatever she says is humorous without offending. Very clear diction, and she dances to extended klezmer tracks as well. Charming for all ages."
- Loir L. – Reviewed on Amazon
My Yiddishe Bubbie Dancing Plush Toy
"The recipient of "My Yiddishe Bubbie Dancing Plush Toy" loves it! It is worthy of five stars!"
- R. Abrams – Reviewed on Bed Bath & Beyond
Smaller than expected but a delight.
"Smaller than expected but a delight. Friends are asking about Bubbie, and I’ve shared purchasing directions."
- Aviel – Reviewed on Bed Bath & Beyond
The latest Hanukkah
"Every year I send my daughter and son-in-law a new Hanukkah toy. This was really cute and added to the others from past years."
- Leenie – Reviewed on Bed Bath & Beyond
So cute!
"I love My Yiddishe Bubbie. She is adorable. I gave myself a Channukah gift this year. My only issue is that when others are here and hear her, I have to translate! I guess not to many people still speak or understand yiddish. That's so sad."
- L. Robbins – Reviewed on Amazon
Good Hanukkah gift
"I bought this as a Hanukkah gift for a friend that always talks about her Bubbie. I think she really enjoyed this doll."
- jenrick – Reviewed on Bed Bath & Beyond
I REALLY would love to purchase 2 more.
"I SO want to order TWO more. I've sent at least 5 to my friends that are new "Bubbies". mine fell and broke and my cousin just became a Bubbie. I REALLY would love to purchase 2 more."
- LOVETHISDOLL – Reviewed on Bed Bath & Beyond
Every Bubbie Should Have This
"This doll is adorable and hysterical. Her hair is a little wonky on the sides but that's minor. A great gift to give and receive."
- J.L.W. – Reviewed on Amazon
My Yiddishe Bubbie Dancing Plush Toy
"This is the most adorable Yiddishe Bubbe! I also have the Rabbi and his Wife that are also cute. I now have a complete set of all of the Yiddish dolls that Bed, Bath & Bath has sold. They give you a lot of joy and give you a good laugh when you absolutely need one!"
- Bonnie119 – Reviewed on Bed Bath & Beyond
Probably the best thing I bought this year
“This doll reminds me of my real Bubbie, with a combination of sweetness and zingers. If you are thinking of buying it, just do it.”
- – Eric – Reviewed on Amazon
Love this doll!
"Ordered this to enjoy not just for Hanukkah- just for a conversation piece and a bunch of laughs!"
- Bethie – Reviewed on Bed Bath & Beyond
Great Yiddish Voice!
“The Yiddish and Yiddish-accented voice of this doll is both authentic and cute. It’s comical without being over the top. And the klezmer music is a nice touch.”
– KlezMom – Reviewed on Bed Bath & Beyond
Super bubbie
“Bubbie is terrific. Especially for those of us that grew up with grandparents that spoke Yiddish. She really makes me laugh.”
MrSwanSong – Reviewed on Bed Bath & Beyond